App Manual

How to import EPUB eBooks into Openepub Reader app

Get Epub file

Tap this link( Epub ebook file download list ) to download EPUB eBook files for each language.

How to import EPUB eBooks into Openepub Reader app bookshelf in iOS version 13.0 or later

step1)   Tap link " Get EPUB eBooks on the Openepub website " on the Openepub app main view

step2)   Tap ebook download link on the EPUB eBooks download page

step3)   Tap ebook download link on the EPUB eBooks download page

step4)   Tap download button on the download confirm popup

step4-2)   Tap downloaded icon at the right upper top

step4-2 : iOS 15)   Tap downloaded icon at the left lower bottom

step4-3 : iOS 15)   Tap "Downloads" menu on the popup context menu

step5)   Must be tap "Search icon" on the Downloads popup

step6)   Long press on the downloaded ebook file(Until popup context menu shows up)

step7)   Tap "Share" menu on the popup context menu

step8)   Tap Openepub app icon

step9)   Tap "Copy EPUB eBook" button

step10)   Tap "Back" button at the left upper top

step11)   Tap ebook cover image in Reading box

step12)   Tap "MENU" button at the right bottom or double tap twice at the center bottom

step13)   Tap "TOC" button at the right top

step14)   Tap subject on the TOC list

step15)   Tap "MENU" button at the right bottom or double tap twice at the center bottom

step16)   Tap more "..." button at the right top

step17)   Tap "viewport" button and "CSS" button( Adjust text size on CSS panel)

step18)   Tap "Close" button at the right top

step19)   Tap "MENU" button at the right bottom or double tap twice at the center bottom

step20)   Tap "Back" button at the left upper top

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